Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"India Struggle to catch china"

Check this out !!


Also considering into factors that:

1. we are 1/3rd of land size compared to china and we have worst infrastructure for this population density.
2. All economists whose writings are based upon the IT sector should consider that this may not be the case in the future. These days there are IT industries in Maldovia and there are call centers in China.


Blogger Jeevan said...

Increasing Population is the -(minus) point for india's development.

August 02, 2006 2:58 AM  
Blogger Ginkgo said...

When u compare the very worst of one place with the very best available in the other place..
there are bound to be significant Differences..

Having said that, the economic divide in India is very stark, and Until we get a push for the blue collar job markets in India..Overall development will remain a dream... :-)

But first, the govt should try to stop preventing the Rupee gaining value over the Dollar

We can always say with a ratio of 45:1 we can buy more for the money in India..

But think about it, thats the only way we can be profitable to the US market..quality of the work force comes decidely second..

what is the ratio of the price of a car to your salary..
Now, if you work in India...think about the ratio of that Salary to a similar car in India..

U will know how unequal, the 2 things are

August 04, 2006 4:01 PM  

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