Tuesday, December 27, 2005


...with various blond jokes floating around...here is the one I experienced myself..

Out of my ~18mile ride to work, I sometimes skip the toll road, as they are equally busy during the peak hours. I tried several small roads, and finally found one, which actually takes the same time as travelling thru the toll.

Most of these roads have 35-45 speed limit, as they are between residential areas. But these roads are not much known and there are few fellow drivers like me, who always drives at 60 or higher, as there are rarely cops in these places.

One fine evening, when I entered this particular road, I saw everyone driving slowly than usual. I thought for a second, but decided to merge with their tune.

A blond who also entered the road at the same time as me, was very impatient and ran zigzag between the two lanes and overtook cars ....and yes, .......she was caught for speeding....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean?
Do you mean blondes are not intelligent enough as compared to others or what?...I didn't mean to be offensive with you...Please don't take it personal. They are beautiful people.

December 27, 2005 9:13 PM  
Blogger aruna said...

Well, I hardly have any blond friends, so have no idea if they are intelligent or not...and honestly I've nothing against any race in this world.

There are so many santa singh jokes, which I enjoy a lot..at the same time I have a great respect for our prime minister.

This is just a joke, and hope u take it easy. Thanks for stopping by.

December 28, 2005 8:28 AM  

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